The Art of Living Health and Education Trust


is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization incorporated in the United States in 2008 that works foster, promote, and support improved education and healthcare in the United States and throughout the world, and to encourage increased public awareness and understanding of the needs of the poor for better education and healthcare.Anchor



The Art of Living Health and Education Trust (AOLHET) envisions a world where everyone has access to quality healthcare and values-based education.



To foster, promote, and support improved education and healthcare in the United States and throughout the world and encourage increased public awareness and understanding of the needs of the poor for better education and healthcare.

Key Initiative

AOLHET will support the development of a system that promotes sustainable education and healthcare in rural India, which may serve as a prototype for other rural and remote parts of the world where modern healthcare and education is lacking. One of AOLHET’s flagship programs is the launch of a capital campaign to build Sri Sri University (SSU) in Orissa, India.

“To develop individuals with broad-mindedness and warm hearts should be the goal of the education system.”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar